Ahmed Tawfik Ali Abdelwahhab |Solution of Einstein Field Equations

Prof Dr. Ahmed Tawfik Ali Abdelwahhab : Leading Researcher in Solution of Einstein Field Equations

 Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

Congratulations, Prof Dr.  Ahmed Ali, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from Sfconference! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Prof Dr. Ahmed Ali a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of Theoretical advances and space missions, holds a PhD in Mathematics ( Pure) (Differential Geometry) Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Al- Azhar University, Saudi Arabia. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing Solution of Einstein Field Equations

Professional Profiles:


● PhD in Mathematics ( Pure) (Differential Geometry) Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Al- Azhar University
● Mathematics (Applied) (General Relativity) Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Al- Azhar University.

Conference and Workshop Participation:

  1. International Conference on Mathematics: Trends and Development (Cairo, Egypt, 2002)
  2. International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (Assiut University, Egypt, 2006)
  3. Conference in Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Egypt (2008)

Supervision of Scientific Theses:

  1. Award-winning Master’s thesis on non-Newtonian fluid models (2007-2010)
  2. Doctoral thesis on position vectors of special surfaces (2010-2014)
  3. Master’s thesis on geometry of curves and symmetrical surfaces (2016)
  4. Doctoral thesis on concircular vector fields in General Relativity (University of Peshawar, Pakistan, 2019)

Arbitration of Scientific Theses:

  1. Reviewed doctoral dissertation on geometry of bi-warped product sub-manifolds (2020)
  2. Reviewed doctoral dissertation on curvature functions of ruled surfaces (2020)
  3. Reviewed doctoral dissertation on pointwise-slant submanifolds and their warped products (2021)
  4. Reviewed master’s thesis on gravitational energy-momentum density in General Relativity and Teleparallel Gravity (2021)

Scientific Publications: A substantial list of published papers covering various topics in mathematics and theoretical physics, including but not limited to new exact solutions, isovector fields, similarity solutions, and position vectors of special curves.

This comprehensive biography reflects my dedication to both academic research and the mentorship of students through thesis supervision and evaluation. My contributions span various conferences, workshops, and numerous published papers, showcasing a commitment to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in my field.


Publications: 51 documents indexed in Scopus.

Citations: A total of 580 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of his research within the academic community.

Published Papers:

1- M. F. Al-Sabbagh and Ahmad T. Ali New exact solutions for (3+1)-dimensional Kadometsev-Petviashvili equation and generalized (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation. International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 6(1), 151–162, (2005). Impact Factor: 5.099. 2007

2- S. K. Attallah, M. F. Al-Sabbagh and Ahmad T. Ali Isovector fields and Similarity solutions of Einstein vacuum equations for rotating fields. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 12(7), 1153–1161, (2007). Impact Factor: 2.697. 2008

3- M. F. Al-Sabbagh and Ahmad T. Ali New generalized Jacobi elliptic function expansion method. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 13(9), 1758–1766, (2008). Impact Factor: 2.697.

4- M. F. Al-Sabbagh, Ahmad T. Ali and S. El-Ganaini New abundant exact solutions for the system of (2+1)-dimensional Burgers equations. Applied Mathematics and Information Science-An International Journal, 2(1), 31–41, (2008). Impact Factor: 0.642. 2009

5- Ahmad T. Ali A note on the Exp-function method and its application to nonlinear equations. Physica Scripta, 79(2), (2009), 025006. Impact Factor: 1.204.

6- Ahmad T. Ali New exact solutions of Einstein equations for rotating axially symmetric fields. Physica Scripta, 79(3), (2009), 035006. Impact Factor: 1.204.

7- Ahmad T. Ali Inclined curves in the Euclidean 5-space E^5. Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, 1(1), 15–22, (2009).

8- Ahmad T. Ali Space-like Salkowski and anti-Salkowski curves with space like principal normal in Minkowski space E_1^3. International. Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics, 2(3), 451–460, (2009).

9- M. Turgut and Ahmad T. Ali, Bertrand curves of helices in the Euclidean space E^4, International J. Open Problems in Computer Science and Math., 1(1), 1 – 11, (2009).

10- Nassar H. Abdel-All, S. Haggag and Ahmad T. Ali Limits of delta metric using Cartan scalars. Assiut University Journal of Mathematics and computer science, 98, 1–3, (2009). 2010



Cosmic microwave background

Introduction of cosmic microwave background

Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) research illuminates the early moments of our universe, providing a snapshot of its infancy merely 380,000 years after the Big Bang
CMB Anisotropy and Temperature Variations

CMB research delves into temperature fluctuations within the cosmic microwave background radiation. Scientists analyze these subtle temperature variations to understand the distribution of matter in the early universe, unveiling the seeds from which galaxies and galaxy clusters later formed.

Polarization of CMB Radiation

Polarization studies in CMB research reveal the orientation of electromagnetic waves, offering insights into the universe's primordial conditions. Understanding CMB polarization aids in deciphering the cosmic inflation process and the fundamental forces at play during the universe's rapid expansion.

CMB Spectral Analysis and Primordial Elements

Researchers investigate the spectral characteristics of CMB radiation, examining its frequency components. By analyzing the CMB spectrum, scientists gain crucial information about the abundance of primordial elements, shedding light on the universe's early nucleosynthesis and the formation of light elements like hydrogen and helium.

CMB and Cosmological Parameters

CMB data serves as a powerful tool for determining cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant, dark matter density, and dark energy density. Scientists use precise measurements from CMB experiments to refine our understanding of these parameters, shaping the framework for our comprehension of the universe's evolution.

CMB as a Window into Inflationary Cosmology

CMB research provides a unique window into the epoch of cosmic inflation, a theoretical period of exponential expansion shortly after the Big Bang. By studying CMB patterns, scientists explore the mechanisms behind inflation, unraveling the universe's expansion dynamics and the formation of cosmic structures.

Introduction of Exoplanets Exoplanet Systems research delves into the fascinating realm of planets orbiting stars beyond our solar system.   Exoplanet Detection Methods: Investigating various techniques like transit photometry and
Introduction of Stellar evolution Stellar evolution research delves into the life cycles of stars, exploring their birth, development, and eventual demise.   Nuclear Fusion in Stars: Stellar evolution involves understanding
Introduction of Cosmic structure Cosmic structure research delves into the vast and intricate patterns that govern the universe, ranging from the smallest particles to the grandest galaxies.   Large-Scale Structure
Introduction of AGN & black holes Astronomy's enigmatic marvels, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and black holes, have captivated researchers with their mysterious and powerful nature. Accretion Processes and Disk Dynamics:
Introduction of High-Energy Astronomy High-energy astronomy is a branch of astronomy that focuses on studying celestial objects and phenomena that emit high-energy radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays. Gamma-Ray
Introduction of Radio telescopes Radio telescopes are sophisticated scientific instruments designed to detect and study radio waves emitted by celestial objects in the universe. Radio Telescope Technology: Radio telescope technology
Introduction of Optical Observations Optical observations play a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of the universe, employing advanced telescopes and instruments to study celestial objects and phenomena using visible
Introduction of Space telescopes Space telescopes have revolutionized our understanding of the universe, allowing scientists to observe distant celestial objects and phenomena with unparalleled precision. Advanced Imaging Techniques: Explore the
Introduction of Planetary exploration Planetary exploration research stands at the forefront of humanity's quest to understand the mysteries of our solar system and beyond. Robotic Missions and Probes: Robotic missions
Introduction of Astrochemistry Astrochemistry, a captivating interdisciplinary field, explores the chemical makeup and processes in the universe beyond Earth. Interstellar Medium Composition: Investigating the composition of the interstellar medium, focusing

Interstellar medium

Introduction of Interstellar medium

Interstellar Medium (ISM) research delves into the vast and complex space between stars, where a diverse array of particles, gases, and magnetic fields exist.
Molecular Clouds and Star Formation:

Investigating the dense regions of the ISM, known as molecular clouds, where gravitational forces and chemical reactions lead to the birth of new stars and planetary systems. Researchers explore the mechanisms driving star formation and the impact of these processes on galaxy evolution.

Interstellar Dust and Cosmic Chemistry

: Studying the composition and properties of interstellar dust grains, which play a pivotal role in the chemical evolution of the universe. Understanding cosmic chemistry within the ISM provides insights into the formation of complex molecules, including those essential for life, and the conditions conducive to their development.

Interstellar Magnetic Fields

: Examining the magnetic fields threading through the ISM and their influence on the formation and dynamics of celestial structures. Research in this area explores the role of magnetic fields in shaping galaxies, regulating star formation, and impacting the behavior of cosmic phenomena such as supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.

Ionized Gas and Stellar Feedback

: Investigating ionized gas regions within the ISM, where intense radiation and stellar winds from massive stars create ionization fronts. Understanding stellar feedback, the process by which stars inject energy and elements back into the ISM, is crucial for comprehending the life cycle of matter in galaxies, influencing the formation of subsequent generations of stars.

Interstellar Medium in Extragalactic Environments:

Exploring the ISM in galaxies beyond our own, studying the variations in its properties, composition, and behavior. Comparing the ISM in different galactic environments helps scientists discern universal patterns and unique characteristics, leading to a deeper understanding of cosmic evolution on a larger scale.

Introduction of Exoplanets Exoplanet Systems research delves into the fascinating realm of planets orbiting stars beyond our solar system.   Exoplanet Detection Methods: Investigating various techniques like transit photometry and
Introduction of Stellar evolution Stellar evolution research delves into the life cycles of stars, exploring their birth, development, and eventual demise.   Nuclear Fusion in Stars: Stellar evolution involves understanding
Introduction of Cosmic structure Cosmic structure research delves into the vast and intricate patterns that govern the universe, ranging from the smallest particles to the grandest galaxies.   Large-Scale Structure
Introduction of AGN & black holes Astronomy's enigmatic marvels, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and black holes, have captivated researchers with their mysterious and powerful nature. Accretion Processes and Disk Dynamics:
Introduction of High-Energy Astronomy High-energy astronomy is a branch of astronomy that focuses on studying celestial objects and phenomena that emit high-energy radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays. Gamma-Ray
Introduction of Radio telescopes Radio telescopes are sophisticated scientific instruments designed to detect and study radio waves emitted by celestial objects in the universe. Radio Telescope Technology: Radio telescope technology
Introduction of Optical Observations Optical observations play a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of the universe, employing advanced telescopes and instruments to study celestial objects and phenomena using visible
Introduction of Space telescopes Space telescopes have revolutionized our understanding of the universe, allowing scientists to observe distant celestial objects and phenomena with unparalleled precision. Advanced Imaging Techniques: Explore the
Introduction of Planetary exploration Planetary exploration research stands at the forefront of humanity's quest to understand the mysteries of our solar system and beyond. Robotic Missions and Probes: Robotic missions
Introduction of Astrochemistry Astrochemistry, a captivating interdisciplinary field, explores the chemical makeup and processes in the universe beyond Earth. Interstellar Medium Composition: Investigating the composition of the interstellar medium, focusing