Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
ProfPaulClavinAix MARSEILLE UNIVERSITÉFranceStellar astrophysicsCombustion an detonation wavesBest Researcher Award
Prof DrHanWenhuBeijing Institute of TechnologyChinaGalaxy formation and evolutionSuppernova explosionBest Researcher Award
DrUdaySinghDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science R. D. University Jabalpur MPIndiaOthersApplied MathematicsBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrTanmoyPaulNational Institute of Technology JamshedpurIndiaGravitational physics and gravitational wavesCosmology and AstrophysicsYoung Scientist Award
Assoc Prof DrMohammad JavadKalaeeInstitute of Geophysics/University of TehranIranComputational astrophysics and data analysisEvolution of irregular starsBest Innovation Award
MrPrashantGuptaHelmerich & Payne incUnited StatesOthers3D printingBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrMasfiqueMehediUniverity of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health SciencesUnited StatesOthersInfectious Diseases/ VirologyExcellence in Research
Assoc Prof DrTariqMahmoodUniversity of BahrainBahrainComputational astrophysics and data analysisQuantum chemical analysisBest Researcher Award
MrBikram KeshariPradhanInter University Centre for Astronomy and AstrophysicsIndiaHigh-energy astrophysics and black holesNeutron Star/ Nuclear AstophysicsBest Researcher Award
DrBaliramHoteMaharashtra Udayagiri Mahavidyalaya UdgirIndiaOthersOrganic chemistryBest Researcher Award
MrSoumyaSenguptaIndian Institute of AstrophysicsIndiaExoplanets and planetary systemsAtmospheric studies of ExoplanetsBest Researcher Award
ProfPralayKarmakarTezpur UniversityIndiaStar formation and evolutionAstrophysical plasmasBest Researcher Award
DrYushengZhangZhejiang Normal UniversityChinaOthersfiber laserBest Researcher Award
DrRichardSauerheberPalomar Community CollegeUnited StatesOthersthe nature of light and timeExcellence in Research
Prof DrDanieleMortariTexas A&M UniversityUnited StatesOthersSpace NavigationBest Researcher Award
DrThomasCameronPenn State BehrendUnited StatesOthersLinear Algebra, Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Numerical AnalysisYoung Scientist Award
Prof DrElbazAbouelmagdNational Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)EgyptGravitational physics and gravitational wavesAstronomical Dynamical SystemsBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for

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