Justice Allotey Pappoe | Space Weather

Mr. Justice Allotey Pappoe : Preeminent scientist in the field of Space Weather


Congratulations, Mr. Justice Allotey Pappoe , on winning the esteemed Young Scientist Award from Sfconference! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Mr. Justice Allotey Pappoe  embarked on an academic journey that began with the completion of a Master of Science Degree in Space Environment, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Egypt (October, 2022 – March, 2025).

Professional Profiles:


  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana (October, 2021)
    CGPA: 3.4/4.0
  • Undergraduate Dissertation: Automatic Classification of Antimalarial Herbal Drugs
    Exposed to Ultraviolet Radiation from Unexposed Ones Using Laser Induced
    Autofluorescence combined with Chemometric Techniques.
  • Graduate Thesis: Study of Geomagnetic Pulsations using Satellite and Ground-based Dataset
  • Master of Science Degree in Space Environment, Egypt-Japan University of Science and
    Technology, Egypt (October, 2022 – March, 2025)


• Space Weather
• Magnetospheric Physics
• Plasma Physics
• Geomagnetism
• Machine Learning
• Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP)
• The Optical Society (OPTICA)6
• African Spectral and Imaging Network (AFSIN)
• Physics Students Association of Ghana
• National Society of Black Engineers (Ghana)
Publications: 3 documents indexed in Scopus.
  • March 2022 Demonstration of Production of Low-Cost Optical Tools Laser and Fiber Optics Center University of Cape Coast Best Presenter.
  • October 2021 Physics Students Association of Ghana Excellence Awards University of Cape Coast Dr. Raymond Edziah Rising Star in Applied Physics.
  • October 2021 Physics Students Association of Ghana Excellence Awards University of Cape Coast Chapter Best Level 400 Student with the Highest CGPA.
  • October 2018 School of Physical Science Deans Awards University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Best Student in Level 200 Physics Class with bullat.


  1. Automatic Classification of Antimalarial Herbal Drugs Exposed to Ultraviolet Radiation from Unexposed Ones Using Laser-Induced Autofluorescence with Chemometric Techniques– published 3 November 2023

2. Classification of Organic and Conventional Cocoa Beans Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy                          Combined with Chemometric Techniques

3. A Machine Learning Approach Combined with Wavelet Analysis for Automatic Detection of Pc5 Geomagnetic                     Pulsations Observed at Geostationary Orbits







Space weather

Introduction of space weather

Space weather research delves into the dynamic interactions between solar and cosmic phenomena and their impact on the space environment surrounding Earth.
Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs):

Solar flares and CMEs are intense bursts of energy and matter from the Sun, disrupting Earth’s magnetosphere. Understanding their occurrence, behavior, and predicting their impact is crucial for safeguarding satellite technology and astronaut safety.

Geomagnetic Storms and Magnetospheric Dynamics:

Geomagnetic storms, caused by solar wind disturbances, can lead to fluctuations in Earth’s magnetic field. Researchers focus on mapping these storms, studying magnetospheric responses, and developing models to predict their intensity and duration, vital for protecting power grids and navigation systems.

Ionospheric Disturbances and Radio Wave Propagation:

Space weather affects the ionosphere, a region in Earth’s upper atmosphere crucial for radio wave propagation. Disturbances in the ionosphere can disrupt radio signals and navigation systems. Researchers investigate these disturbances to enhance our ability to mitigate their impacts on communication technologies.


Cosmic Rays and Radiation Exposure:Cosmic rays, high-energy particles originating from outer space, pose a threat to astronauts and satellite electronics. Space weather research involves understanding the variability of cosmic ray flux and developing shielding strategies to minimize radiation exposure during space missions.

Space Weather Impact on Earth’s Climate:

Emerging research explores the connection between space weather and Earth’s climate patterns. Scientists investigate how solar variability influences Earth’s atmosphere and climate systems, offering valuable insights into long-term climate change and space weather’s potential role in shaping our planet’s environmental dynamics.

Introduction of Exoplanets Exoplanet Systems research delves into the fascinating realm of planets orbiting stars beyond our solar system.   Exoplanet Detection Methods: Investigating various techniques like transit photometry and
Introduction of Stellar evolution Stellar evolution research delves into the life cycles of stars, exploring their birth, development, and eventual demise.   Nuclear Fusion in Stars: Stellar evolution involves understanding
Introduction of Cosmic structure Cosmic structure research delves into the vast and intricate patterns that govern the universe, ranging from the smallest particles to the grandest galaxies.   Large-Scale Structure
Introduction of AGN & black holes Astronomy's enigmatic marvels, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and black holes, have captivated researchers with their mysterious and powerful nature. Accretion Processes and Disk Dynamics:
Introduction of High-Energy AstronomyHigh-energy astronomy is a branch of astronomy that focuses on studying celestial objects and phenomena that emit high-energy radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays.Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs):Gamma-ray
Introduction of Radio telescopes Radio telescopes are sophisticated scientific instruments designed to detect and study radio waves emitted by celestial objects in the universe. Radio Telescope Technology: Radio telescope technology
Introduction of Optical Observations Optical observations play a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of the universe, employing advanced telescopes and instruments to study celestial objects and phenomena using visible
Introduction of Space telescopes Space telescopes have revolutionized our understanding of the universe, allowing scientists to observe distant celestial objects and phenomena with unparalleled precision. Advanced Imaging Techniques: Explore the
Introduction of Planetary exploration Planetary exploration research stands at the forefront of humanity's quest to understand the mysteries of our solar system and beyond. Robotic Missions and Probes: Robotic missions
Introduction of Astrochemistry Astrochemistry, a captivating interdisciplinary field, explores the chemical makeup and processes in the universe beyond Earth. Interstellar Medium Composition: Investigating the composition of the interstellar medium, focusing